Here are list of solo and group projects that I have completed over my time at NSS
I built this project as my first solo project at NSS. For this, my goals were to have a better understanding of CRUD, ERD's with, and React in general. I also used CSS , Javascript, and an API to build out the project. This was a great learning experience to better understand my own skills outside of a team and to better hone my skills over the three weeks I worked on this. As a description for what the app did. It was a movie recommendation application that allowed users to suggest movies to there followers based on their own watch history. You could add, delete, and edit movies along with adding and editing the suggestions you made for your followers.
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Learn moreThis group project was originally created using vanilla javascript but was later requested to be formated using React. The app itself most closely resembled a social media site allowing users to make an account, friend other users, while also allowing users to see news articles, messages, and events that friended users posted. And finally gave the option to add personal tasks for that user to complete themselves. My role in this was to make the providers that fetched information from the JSON, build out the "events" section of the app and helped with styling. This was created using the following techniques and technologies: functions, databases, Github, objects, CSS/Flexbox, Bootstrap, array methods, components, handling user and custom events, implementing CRUD operations, relational data, and ERDs.
Learn moreThis Project was the introduction to React and simply showed the basics in creating an app in this way. The app itself allowed users to look at different kennels in the Nashville area, see the number of pets at said kennel, view information about each pet, request an appointment for a pet and see what employees worked at each location. This project also included CSS, databases, implementing CRUD operations and handling user and custom events.
Learn moreI built a project with 3 teammates that was a travel brochure application that let people who are interested in travelling to 4 countries that we chose know a little more about certain locations, like landmarks and famous cities, along with present and past heads of state. This was our first group project at Nashville Software School, and we used HTML, CSS, Flexbox, JavaScript, Event Listeners, Git, Github, and http-server to build the website. It was a great learning experience working with a team in this capacity. From the planning to actually implementing our ideas into readable code and finally into a website that a normal person could navigate through. Their were challenges along the way, but we stayed focused and pulled through at th end.
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