About Me

I am a Nashville native with a deep passion for technology and constant learning. Starting from a young age, I loved taking things apart and seeing how they worked. This curiosity eventually led me to code, something I had always been fascinated by but never pursued until recently. After diving into an extensive 6-month full-stack boot camp, I couldn't be happier with this career choice and look forward to using this new found knowledge in the world.


Technologies Used

Technical History

Nashville Software School

(November 2019 - August 2020)
Intensive full-time software development program learning full-stack technologies through the creation of applications in group and individual settings.
Working remote in an agile working enviornment using HTML5, CSS3, javaScript, React.js, Reactstrap/Bootstrap, C# and .Net

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My Projects

Here is a collection of projects that I created or that I was a part of in making.

Holiday Road

The purpose of This project was to gain knowledge in using external APIs, grabbing specific information and displaying it to the DOM. It also stored the information gathered into local JSON.

GitHub Repo

Nutshell Project

This was the first group Project using react. For this, I was in charge of making the providers to add, delete, and edit information form the API. I was also in charge of making the "events" section where a user could display an upcoming event that other users could see only if friends with said user.

GitHub Repo

Client-Side Capstone

This was my first solo project. A Movie Recommendation app where users can suggest Movie/TV shows to followers based on there watching history. The User can add and edit movie data that all users can see while also having the ability to add and delete movie cards from their watch history.

GitHub Repo

Server-Side Capstone

This Project was my first Full-Stack application using C# as my server-side language and react as my client-side. It is a recipe recommendation app that tracks the ingredients a user already has and recommends recipes with matching ingredients. A User can also add there own Recipes for others to view and manage their available food.

GitHub Repo